start chat









Tips & Tricks

Focusing on a speaker

To focus on an individual speaker, just click or tap on their block. Click or tap them again to return to grid view, or tap a different tile to change focus to a different participant.

Focused Speaker

Slack Integration

You can generate Yep links right from within Slack with our app extension.

Generate a video room

Generate help message

Screen sharing Options

Your screen sharing options will depend on which browser you are using. Chrome will provide additional options, including the ability to share your entire screen, just a specific application, or a browser tab.

Screen Share Options

Speedier room access

Most modern browsers will ask for permission to use the camera and microphone each time you use Yep. You can change your browser’s settings to allow access automatically, eliminating that step.


Preferences > Websites

Safari Screenshare options

Choose Camera and set to “Allow.”

Choose Microphone and set to “Allow.”


Preferences > Privacy and Security > Site Settings > Select

Chrome mic options

Set Camera to “Allow.”

Set Microphone to “Allow.”